During the extensive training required to become a member of our excellent booking specialist team, we make sure remind our staff one thing: that customers are rarely well versed in the procedure of reserving luxury transportation. For most people, booking a limousine or party bus is a rare experience. One which is reserved for life's most momentous occasions, such as weddings. As such we make sure our team prepared to walk our clients through the booking process. You will be guided step by step while our agents explain why each step is important. It is all to make sure you are selecting the correct service and vehicle for your needs. However, once you deal with us you will realize that your luxury transportation experiences needn't be limited to the only the biggest moments. Rather, you can give such a majestic mode of transportation to any events in life. Especially once you learn how reasonably affordable our services are. Not only do you get your own personal driver but your socializing begins when you're picked up not when you get dropped off.
All of my guests had a blast during my 21st birthday celebration. Your bus ended up being way more fun than the bars we were going to. You guys are the best, can't wait until next year!